We are a church made up of transformed people who lead others to be transformed by the grace of Christ.
Glorifying God in All Things
Worship with Us
Small Groups – 9:00am
Worship Service – 10:30am
Mid-Week Gatherings
6:00pm – 7:30pm

We envision being a church in whom God delights, and one who delights in God’s supremacy over all things.

We are committed to declaring the life changing message of Jesus, reaching the lost, and ministering to our community.

We are committed to training our members in the Word and equipping them to minister and train others.
Want to Learn More About Following Jesus?
Current Sermon Series
We believe the Bible is the authority for all of our preaching and teaching. We value people being developed into Christ-likeness by hearing the Word of God accurately exposited and explained from the pulpit – as well as in every Bible study, and in every small group.

Small Groups & Discipleship
We desire for all people to be transformed by Jesus from their lostness in sin to being born again in Him. We also disciple new born-again believers into spiritual maturity as fully devoted disciples of Christ.
Interested in Counseling?
We offer a range of counseling services from individual and marriage counseling to grief share and trauma counseling. The purpose of Redemption Counseling Ministry is to help you meet the challenges of life, no matter what you are facing. Jesus promises us, “Come to me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28).

Our Ministries
We aim to effectively minister to and disciple our families and individuals at each and every life stage.
Upcoming Events
Jump into life at Redemption. Sign up and register for events on Church Center.