December 5, 2021 BELIEVE and have LIFE - The Gospel of John Blind, but now I see! Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: John 9
November 28, 2021 BELIEVE and have LIFE - The Gospel of John Honoring Jesus or Throwing Stones at Jesus? Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: John 8:48-59
November 21, 2021 General Topics Thanksgiving in Cracked Pots Preacher John Jamison Scripture: 2 Corinthians 4:7-18
November 14, 2021 BELIEVE and have LIFE - The Gospel of John Are you a Child of God or a Child of the Devil? Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: John 8:37
November 7, 2021 BELIEVE and have LIFE - The Gospel of John Are you Free or are you a Slave? Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: John 8:30-38
October 31, 2021 BELIEVE and have LIFE - The Gospel of John Jesus is the Light of the World Walking in Light or darkness? Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: John 8:12-32
October 10, 2021 BELIEVE and have LIFE - The Gospel of John Jesus is Living Water Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: John 7
October 3, 2021 BELIEVE and have LIFE - The Gospel of John Jesus 🡪 Despise Him, Deny Him, Question Him, or Believe Him. Which one are you? – pt. 2 Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: John 7
September 26, 2021 BELIEVE and have LIFE - The Gospel of John Jesus 🡪 Despise Him, Deny Him, Question Him, or Believe Him. Which one are you? Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: John 7
September 19, 2021 Don't be Anxious Cast Your Anxiety on the Lord Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: 1 Peter 5:6-11
September 12, 2021 Don't be Anxious Don’t be Anxious pt. 3 Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: Philippians 4:8-9
September 5, 2021 Don't be Anxious Don’t be Anxious pt. 2 Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: Philippians 4:4-9
August 29, 2021 Don't be Anxious Faith not Fear in the Storm Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: Philippians 4:6, Mark 4:35-41
August 22, 2021 Don't be Anxious Don’t be Anxious Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: Matthew 6:25-34
August 15, 2021 BELIEVE and have LIFE - The Gospel of John Following Jesus is “Hard” Will you follow or turn away? Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: John 6:60-71
August 1, 2021 BELIEVE and have LIFE - The Gospel of John Jesus is the Bread of Life – pt. 2 Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: John 6:41-59
July 25, 2021 BELIEVE and have LIFE - The Gospel of John Jesus is the Bread of Life – Come and Believe - pt. 1 Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: John 6:22-40
July 4, 2021 BELIEVE and have LIFE - The Gospel of John Jesus as God in the Storm Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: John 6:16-21
June 27, 2021 BELIEVE and have LIFE - The Gospel of John The sack lunch miracle Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: John 6:1-15
June 13, 2021 BELIEVE and have LIFE - The Gospel of John Believe or Refuse to believe? Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: John 5:30-47