October 1, 2023 Are you Ready? For the end times and Jesus’ return? A New Heaven and a New Earth Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: Matthew 24:32-35
September 24, 2023 Are you Ready? For the end times and Jesus’ return? The Final Sign 🡪 Jesus Himself pt. 2 Preacher Dr. Byron Brown
September 17, 2023 Are you Ready? For the end times and Jesus’ return? The Final Sign 🡪 Jesus Himself Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: Matthew 24:29-31
September 10, 2023 Are you Ready? For the end times and Jesus’ return? Sign of the Abomination of Desolation Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: Matthew 24:15-28
September 3, 2023 Are you Ready? For the end times and Jesus’ return? The Gospel to All Nations Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: Matthew 24:14
August 27, 2023 Are you Ready? For the end times and Jesus’ return? Lawlessness is Coming Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: Matthew 24:11-12
August 20, 2023 Are you Ready? For the end times and Jesus’ return? “False prophets” Know the Signs. Know the Truth! – pt. 4 Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: Matthew 24:11-12
August 6, 2023 Are you Ready? For the end times and Jesus’ return? Know the Signs. Know the Truth! Enduring to the End – pt. 3 Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: Matthew 24:1-14
July 30, 2023 Are you Ready? For the end times and Jesus’ return? Know the Signs. Know the Truth! Enduring to the End – pt. 2 Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: Matthew 24:1-14
July 23, 2023 Are you Ready? For the end times and Jesus’ return? Enduring to the End Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: Matthew 24:1-14
July 16, 2023 Are you Ready? For the end times and Jesus’ return? Are you ready for the eternal judgment? Will you be called – Blessed or Cursed? Pt. 2 Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: Matthew 25:31-46
July 9, 2023 Are you Ready? For the end times and Jesus’ return? Are you ready for the eternal judgment? Will you be called – Blessed or Cursed? Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: Matthew 25:31-46
July 2, 2023 Are you Ready? For the end times and Jesus’ return? Do you see the Kingdom? Preacher John Jamison
June 25, 2023 General Topics Relying on God's Word in our Day Preacher Dr. Bo Rice Scripture: 2 Timothy 3:10-17
June 18, 2023 Are you Ready? For the end times and Jesus’ return? Servants that Work until the King returns Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: Matthew 25:14-30
June 11, 2023 Are you Ready? For the end times and Jesus’ return? Faithful and Wise OR Wicked and Foolish Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: Matthew 24:45-51; 25:1-13
June 4, 2023 Are you Ready? For the end times and Jesus’ return? Are you Ready? For the end times and Jesus’ return? Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: Matthew 24:36-51
May 28, 2023 General Topics Truth that Transforms Preacher John Jamison *** There was a video recording issue at the very end of this sermon. Scripture: Titus 3:3-9
May 21, 2023 BELIEVE and have LIFE - The Gospel of John Bearing Witness to Jesus as Savior and God Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: John 21:24-25
May 14, 2023 General Topics The Light of a Mother’s Teaching Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: Proverbs 6:20-23
May 7, 2023 BELIEVE and have LIFE - The Gospel of John “Jesus Restores Peter” Feed, Shepherd, and Follow Preacher Dr. Byron Brown
April 30, 2023 BELIEVE and have LIFE - The Gospel of John “Do you love me?” - Jesus Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: John 21:15-19