July 28, 2013 The Bible: God's Story of Redemption Redeemed People And Sacrifices Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: Leviticus
July 21, 2013 The Bible: God's Story of Redemption God's Redeemed People And His Presence With His People - Part 2 Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: Exodus 19-40
July 14, 2013 The Bible: God's Story of Redemption God's Redeemed People And His Presence With His People Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: Exodus 19-40
July 7, 2013 The Bible: God's Story of Redemption The Law Preacher Jared Berry Scripture: Galatians 3:15-29
June 30, 2013 The Bible: God's Story of Redemption The passover and redemption Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: Exodus 1-12
June 23, 2013 The Bible: God's Story of Redemption Joseph and the redemption of Israel Preacher Dr. Byron Brown
June 16, 2013 A Call For Fathers To Be Godly And Teach Their Children Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: Proverbs 3:1-12
June 2, 2013 The Bible: God's Story of Redemption Jacob - Chosen, Blessed, Protected and Renamed by God Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: /wp-content/uploads/2013/130602.mp3
May 26, 2013 The Bible: God's Story of Redemption God, Natural Disasters and Redemption Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: Job 36-37
May 19, 2013 The Bible: God's Story of Redemption Job, Suffering And The Redemption Of God Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: Job
May 12, 2013 General Topics Biblical Motherhood-A Woman Who Fears The Lord Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: Proverbs 31
April 28, 2013 The Bible: God's Story of Redemption God's Call and Covenant with Abraham Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: Genesis 12-22
April 21, 2013 The Bible: God's Story of Redemption Noah, The Flood, and God's Redemption Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: Genesis 6-8
April 14, 2013 The Bible: God's Story of Redemption Redemption, God's Sacrifice, Not Man's Attempt Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: Genesis 3
April 7, 2013 The Bible: God's Story of Redemption God's Story of Redemption Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: Genesis; Romans; Revelation
March 24, 2013 General Topics Zacchaeus - Sought, Saved, Changed Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: Luke 19:1-10
March 10, 2013 The Church God Blesses Us For The Sake Of His Renown Among All Peoples - Pt 2 Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: Psalm 67
March 3, 2013 The Church God Blesses Us For The Sake Of His Renown Among All Peoples - Pt 1 Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: Psalm 67
February 24, 2013 The Church Worshiping Together - Pt 2 Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: Psalm 100
February 17, 2013 The Church Worshiping Together - Pt 1 Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: Psalm 100
February 10, 2013 The Church Proclaiming Christ and Not Ourselves Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: 2 Corinthians 4:1-6