January 26, 2014 The Bible: God's Story of Redemption Witnesses to the Gospel of Redemption Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: Acts
January 19, 2014 General Topics Next Level 2014 Vision Sunday Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: Ephesians 4:11-16
January 12, 2014 General Topics The Living Word of God Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: Hebrews 4:11-16
December 22, 2013 The Bible: God's Story of Redemption Jesus born to Die to redeem Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: Matthew
December 15, 2013 The Bible: God's Story of Redemption Praising God for the Savior Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: Luke 2
November 24, 2013 General Topics Living With A Thankful Attitude Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: Ephesians 5:20
November 17, 2013 The Bible: God's Story of Redemption God Remembers His People and His Promises Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: 2 Chronicles
November 10, 2013 The Bible: God's Story of Redemption A New Covenant For God's People Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: Jeremiah
November 3, 2013 The Bible: God's Story of Redemption Micah, The Shephard Is Coming Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: Micah
October 27, 2013 The Bible: God's Story of Redemption God Is With Us Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: Isaiah
October 20, 2013 The Bible: God's Story of Redemption Israel's Last Chance Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: Hosea
October 13, 2013 The Bible: God's Story of Redemption Justice Is Coming Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: Amos
October 6, 2013 The Bible: God's Story of Redemption Lustrous Glory or Tarnished Glory Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: Exodus; 1 Kings; 2 Kings
September 29, 2013 The Bible: God's Story of Redemption How Can God Use A Sinner In The Plan of Redemption? Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: 2 Samuel
September 22, 2013 The Bible: God's Story of Redemption Who Will Honor God's Name? Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: 1 Samuel
September 15, 2013 The Bible: God's Story of Redemption God Is The King Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: 1 Samuel
September 1, 2013 General Topics Gospel Hope - Salvation, Sanctification, Security Preacher Jeff Wicker Scripture: Romans 5:1-5
August 25, 2013 The Bible: God's Story of Redemption Faithful God-Unfaithful People-Prone to Wonder Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: Judges 2:6-11
August 18, 2013 The Bible: God's Story of Redemption God Keeps His Promises Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: Joshua
August 11, 2013 The Bible: God's Story of Redemption God or god, Which do you love? Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: Deuteronomy 6
August 4, 2013 The Bible: God's Story of Redemption Faith Or Fear Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: Numbers 13-14