March 12, 2017 Ezra: Rebuilding God's Temple By God's Soverign Hand Building...Because of God Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: Ezra 5-6
March 5, 2017 Ezra: Rebuilding God's Temple By God's Soverign Hand Delayed or Moving Forward Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: Ezra 4-5
February 26, 2017 Ezra: Rebuilding God's Temple By God's Soverign Hand Four characteristics of Worship Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: Ezra 3
February 19, 2017 Ezra: Rebuilding God's Temple By God's Soverign Hand God Provides who He wants for what He wants Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: Ezra 2
February 12, 2017 Ezra: Rebuilding God's Temple By God's Soverign Hand God is Sovereign Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: Ezra 1:1-6
February 5, 2017 Ezra: Rebuilding God's Temple By God's Soverign Hand God Is Faithful Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: Ezra 1
January 22, 2017 Together We're Building For God's Glory, All People, All Generations pt. 2 Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: Romans 11:33-36
January 15, 2017 Together We're Building For God's Glory, All People, All Generations Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: Ephesians 3:19-20
January 8, 2017 Week of Prayer and the Word 2017 Blessings and Benefits of reading God's Word Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: Psalm 119
January 1, 2017 Week of Prayer and the Word 2017 How to Pray Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: Matthew 6:5-14
December 25, 2016 Christmas 2016 Jesus, Emmanuel, God with us Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: Matthew 1:18-23
December 11, 2016 Christmas 2016 Jesus- fully man & fully God Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: Philippians 2
December 4, 2016 Christmas 2016 Jesus, born of Mary but fully God Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: Luke 1:26-35
November 27, 2016 A Month of Thanks Give thanks to the LORD Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: Psalm 92:1-2
November 20, 2016 A Month of Thanks Giving thanks; Jesus gave thanks Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: Matthew 26:26-29
November 13, 2016 A Month of Thanks Give Thanks to the LORD Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: Psalm 92:1
November 6, 2016 General Topics God, do you hear us when we cry for help for our nation? Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: Habakkuk 1:1-11
October 23, 2016 Our Mission Blessed for the sake of the nations pt. 2 Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: Psalm 67:1-3
October 16, 2016 Our Mission Blessed for the sake of the nations Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: Psalm 67:1-3
September 25, 2016 Our Mission A Disciple loves others Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: John 15:12-17
September 18, 2016 Our Mission Three Evidences of A True Disciple Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: John 15:9-11