March 4, 2018 Acts: The Beginning & Multiplication of the Church Death And Imprisonment Did Not Prevent The Church From Growing. - What Is Stopping You? Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: Acts 12
February 18, 2018 Acts: The Beginning & Multiplication of the Church God Grows the Church Using Common People Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: Acts 11:19-30
February 11, 2018 Acts: The Beginning & Multiplication of the Church God Grows the Church to Gentiles Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: Acts 10
February 4, 2018 Acts: The Beginning & Multiplication of the Church God Grows The Church Through Miracles. Don't Waste Yours! Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: Acts 9:32-43
January 21, 2018 Acts: The Beginning & Multiplication of the Church A Church That Multiplies - Pt. 4 Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: Acts 9:31
January 14, 2018 Acts: The Beginning & Multiplication of the Church A Church That Multiples - Pt 3 Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: Acts 9:31
January 7, 2018 Week of Prayer and the Word 2018 God's Word Is A Lamp And Light Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: Psalm 119:105
December 31, 2017 Week of Prayer and the Word 2018 Praying Effectively Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: James 5:16
November 26, 2017 Acts: The Beginning & Multiplication of the Church A church that Multiplies - pt. 2 Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: Acts 9:31
November 19, 2017 Acts: The Beginning & Multiplication of the Church A church that Multiplies - pt. 1 Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: Acts 9:31
November 12, 2017 Acts: The Beginning & Multiplication of the Church If I Preach The Gospel, Will I Be Received? Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: Acts 9:20-31
November 5, 2017 Acts: The Beginning & Multiplication of the Church A church that welcomes sinners Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: Acts 9:10-22
October 22, 2017 Acts: The Beginning & Multiplication of the Church Saul's Conversion-The Chief Of Sinners Met With Grace Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: Acts 9, Galatians 1:1, 1 Timothy 1
October 15, 2017 Acts: The Beginning & Multiplication of the Church God Spreads the Gospel to Ethiopia through a divine Encounter Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: Acts 8:26-40
October 8, 2017 Acts: The Beginning & Multiplication of the Church The Gospel Saves And Amazes Simon The Samaritan Magician Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: Acts 8:9-25
October 1, 2017 Acts: The Beginning & Multiplication of the Church The Gospel Changes Lives And Cities Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: Acts 8:1-13
September 24, 2017 Acts: The Beginning & Multiplication of the Church "Stephen's Speech And Martyrdom" Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: Acts 6:8-7:60
September 17, 2017 Acts: The Beginning & Multiplication of the Church Caring For The Word And Caring For People Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: Acts 6:1-7
September 10, 2017 Acts: The Beginning & Multiplication of the Church "The Apostles Unceasing Preaching" What Will Stop You? Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: Acts 5:17-42