September 30, 2018 Acts: The Beginning & Multiplication of the Church Ephesus – The Power of the Word Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: Acts 19:8-20
September 16, 2018 Acts: The Beginning & Multiplication of the Church Disciples without the Holy Spirit? Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: Acts 19:1-7
September 9, 2018 Acts: The Beginning & Multiplication of the Church Paul - Seeking God And Strengthening Others Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: Acts 18:18-23
August 26, 2018 Acts: The Beginning & Multiplication of the Church Corinth-"Don't Be Afraid Or Silent; Keep Speaking" Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: Scripture: Acts 18:1-17
August 19, 2018 Acts: The Beginning & Multiplication of the Church Athens - Religious but Lost Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: Acts 17:16-34
August 12, 2018 Acts: The Beginning & Multiplication of the Church Are you a Berean? Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: Acts 17:10-15
August 5, 2018 Acts: The Beginning & Multiplication of the Church Turning The World Upside Down Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: Acts 17:1-9
July 29, 2018 Acts: The Beginning & Multiplication of the Church Imprisonment that led to Salvation Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: Acts
July 22, 2018 Acts: The Beginning & Multiplication of the Church Lydia's Salvation Story Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: Acts 16:11-15
July 1, 2018 Acts: The Beginning & Multiplication of the Church Faithfulness, Closed doors, and an Open Door Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: Acts 16:6-10
June 10, 2018 Acts: The Beginning & Multiplication of the Church Making the Church Strong Pt. 2 Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: Acts 16:1-5
May 27, 2018 Acts: The Beginning & Multiplication of the Church "Making The Church Strong" -- How Strong Are You? Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: Acts 15:35-41
May 20, 2018 Acts: The Beginning & Multiplication of the Church Saved by Grace Alone and Nothing Else Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: Acts 15
May 6, 2018 General Topics Being a Sending Church by Declaring the Glory of God Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: Psalm 96
April 29, 2018 Acts: The Beginning & Multiplication of the Church Paul and Barnabas go home to their Sending Church Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: Acts 14:24-28
April 15, 2018 Acts: The Beginning & Multiplication of the Church Which God/god Are You Serving? Preacher Dr. Byron Brown
April 8, 2018 Acts: The Beginning & Multiplication of the Church Whose Side Are You On? God's Or The Crowds? Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: Acts 14:1-7
March 26, 2018 Acts: The Beginning & Multiplication of the Church The Evidence and Decision for Jesus - What is yours? Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: Acts 13:13-52
March 18, 2018 Acts: The Beginning & Multiplication of the Church 1st Missionary Journey - Proclaiming the Gospel to all people in Cyprus Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: Acts 13:4-12
March 11, 2018 Acts: The Beginning & Multiplication of the Church Antioch - A Church That Genuinely Pursued The Lord Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: Acts 3:1-3