Sharing the Love of Christ

Help us Pack Shoeboxes and Share the Love of Jesus
As a church we have decided to collect items for OCC all year long. The following list is the items we are collecting at the church to help children around the world while sharing the gospel. To learn more about Operation Christmas Child (OCC) by Samaratin’s Purse please click here.
Monthly Collection Items
Toothbrushes & Washcloths
Hair Accessories: Brushes, combs, ponytail holders, compact mirrors
Toys 1: Hot wheels, slinkies, small puzzles, play-doh, yoyos
Toys 2: Balls and Jump Ropes (bouncy balls, foam balls, deflated soccer balls and pumps)
Clothing Items: Socks, kids sized flip flops, plain t-shirts, underwear, small tote/purse
School and Art Supplies 1: Writing Utensils (pens, #2 pencils, colored pencils, crayons, markers, single pencil sharpeners)
Toys 2: School and Art Supplies 2: Coloring books, notebooks/journals, boy and girl stickers, round-tip scissors
New Stuffed Animals and Dolls (shoebox size), Shoeboxes
Hygiene Items (packaged soap, deodorant, bandaids, chapstick), Shoeboxes
Love Offering $10 shipping donation
“Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.”
– James 1:27