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Membership at Redemption

Is it necessary to be a member to attend?

It is not necessary to be a member to attend worship services or attend any of our Small Groups or ministries that we offer. We are glad that you are here!

What does it mean to be a member?

To be a member of the church is a commitment that someone makes who is a Christian when he or she decides that they want to commit to plant themselves at Redemption Church to serve the Lord with their life and spiritual gifts to advance the Lord’s kingdom with other brothers and sisters in Christ who make up the church at Redemption Church. While anyone is welcome to attend worship services and small groups, we only allow members to serve in leadership roles of the ministries of our church and any small groups that we may teach. When someone commits to being a member of our church, an individual attends a membership class and signs a church commitment document that entails the commitments an individual makes.

Read the Church Commitment Here

So, why should I become a member?

If membership isn’t required to attend then why should I be a member? We believe it is extremely important to be a member, and it is biblical. In fact, we think it is dangerous for a Christian to walk alone in their walk without a church family. When you become a member, the Pastors of our church make a commitment with you to help shepherd you in your walk with Christ by praying for you, counseling you, and teaching you. Additionally, when you become a member, our church family commits to love you, encourage you in your walk with Christ, and hold you accountable. When you become a member, you join arms with us to help advance the kingdom of Christ

What is required to become a member?

To become a member, there are five requirements that are necessary:

(1) Salvation – A person must be a believer.
(2) Baptism – An individual must have been baptized by immersion as a believer.
(3) Attend our Discovering Redemption Class
(4) Meet with a Pastor to discuss your testimony and church commitment.
(5) Membership Affirmation – Our church family gives a vote of affirmation to pray for, support, love, and hold accountable new members.

Once these requirements are complete, then an individual is considered a member of Redemption Church of Lacombe.

Read More on These Requirements

Our Membership

If you are new to Christ or have been a Christian for many years, there are frequent questions that get asked about membership at Redemption Church such as: Is it necessary for me to be a member to attend Redemption Church of Lacombe? What does it mean to be a member? Why should I become a member?

Want More Info?

If you are interested in learning more about membership at Redemption Church, feel free to call our church office and we’ll be glad to assist you.